How to Supercharge Your Billboard Campaign.

Let’s visually mash up pills, cough syrup bottles, and capsules with race cars, motorcycles, and vintage roadsters. Sounds crazy, right?

Sit tight. We’ll bring you up to speed on how it worked, and how something just as unique could work for your next billboard campaign.


1. Stating a Fact Plainly, is Well, f#cking plain.

Don’t do it. If you’re good at something, if your business excels at something, scream it. Loudly. Good stories and great jokes are forgotten and dismissed because the teller didn’t know how to deliver. It’s the same for your billboard advertising campaign.


2. Make the Complex—Simple

Cramming together images of medicine and automobiles could’ve wrecked this campaign. Had it been too technical, literal, or complicated, the visuals would’ve crashed short of memorable, and limped off into forgettable. But carefully choosing the images, scrubbing some details, adding in a few, and making sure the forced connections interacted seamlessly, kept this campaign humming.


3. Keep It Clean

As Todd and I have mentioned before, in our Best of the Best Better Best Practices of Out of Home Advertising Content Video—copy, imagery, contact info, and brand elements should be used spaaaaaringly. A logo, a headline, and an image are more than enough fuel to keep your audience engaged with your brand. And sometimes—you can get away with even less.



Is there more to it? You bet. But this ought to help get your wheels turning.

Want to work with us? Get in touch. Let us know how we can rev up your out of home advertising and, in turn, leave your competition in the dust.


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